黃瑽寧醫師的 facebook 粉絲專頁看到的歐洲防癌準則,試著翻譯一下。

預防癌症的12個方法:來自世界衛生組織「歐洲防癌準則」(European Code Against Cancer) 

預防癌症的12個方法:來自世界衛生組織「歐洲防癌準則」(European Code Against Cancer)

  1. 不抽菸。不使用任何菸草製品。
    Do not smoke. Do not use any form of tobacco.
  2. 打造無菸家庭。支持職場塑造無菸環境。
    Make your home smoke-free. Support smoke-free policies in your workplace.
  3. 為健康的體重採取行動。
    Take action to be a healthy body weight.
  4. 日常生活中多活動。節制坐著的時間。
    Be physically active in everyday life. Limit the time you spend sitting.
  5. 健康的飲食習慣:
    Have a healthy diet:
    • 多吃粗糧、豆類、蔬果。
      Eat plenty of whole grains, pulses, vegetables and fruits.
    • 少吃高熱量食物(高糖或高脂肪),避開含糖飲料。
      Limit high-calorie foods (foods high in sugar or fat) and avoid sugary drinks.
    • 遠離加工肉品;少吃紅肉和高鹽份的食物。
      Avoid processed meat; limit red meat and foods high in salt.
  6. 如果你喝酒,節制你的飲酒量。不喝酒是預防癌症的良方。
    If you drink alcohol of any type, limit your intake. Not drinking alcohol is better for cancer prevention.
  7. 避免過多的日曬,尤其是孩童。擦防曬。別用日光床(紫外燈)。
    Avoid too much sun, especially for children. Use sun protection. Do not use sunbeds.
  8. 遵守職場的健康安全說明,保護你自己遠離致癌物質。
    In the workplace, protect yourself against cancer-causing substances by following health and safety instructions.
  9. 找出家中是否有高輻射(天然高氡水平)。採取行動來減少輻射。
    Find out if you are exposed to radiation from naturally high radon levels in your home. Take action to reduce high radon levels.
  10. 女人們要留意:
    For women:
    • 餵母乳可減少婦科癌症風險。如果可以的話,親餵妳的寶寶。
      Breastfeeding reduces the mother’s cancer risk. If you can, breastfeed your baby.
    • 荷爾蒙替代療法 (Hormone replacement therapy, HRT) 會增加罹患某些癌症的風險。謹慎使用 HRT。
      Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) increases the risk of certain cancers.  Limit use of HRT.
  11. 確實為孩子接種疫苗:
    Ensure your children take part in vaccination programmes for:
    • 為新生兒接種 B 型肝炎
      Hepatitis B (for newborns)
    • 為女孩接種 HPV 疫苗(Human papillomavirus, 人類乳突病毒)
      Human papillomavirus (HPV) (for girls).
  12. 參加癌症篩檢:
    Take part in organised cancer screening programmes for:
    • 腸癌(男/女)
      Bowel cancer (men and women)
    • 乳腺癌(女)
      Breast cancer (women)
    • 子宮頸癌(女)
      Cervical cancer (women).


其中輻射那句我覺得有點難翻譯,相關知識可以參考 wikipedia 裡對輻射與氡的解釋。

然後啊,因為有提到要擦防曬,所以我本來以為 "sunbed" 是指這個可以躺在海邊舒適曬太陽的床。

Sunbed. Station 3 

再多 Google 了一下,覺得應該是指這種可以把全身烤成均勻小麥膚色的紫外燈艙型裝置。




    防癌 癌症

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